Call us : 425-233-1737


Yes! TEENSWHOCARE is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit incorporation. This means that TEENSWHOCARE has the ability to approve and give volunteer hours for your hardwork.

Signing up for volunteering opportunities takes just 3, simple, steps.
Step 1. Click on the desired opportunity and desired time. Click register.
Step 2. Create and account and fill out the short application (note: some opportunities do not require an application)
Step 3: You have signed up! Now to find out if you application has been accepted or is pending approval go to the "My Account" section of the website in the menu bar.

We will continue to add volunteering opportunities for later dates on a rolling basis. If, however, none of the dates work for you, you can reach out to me at We have some opportunities that are undated such as building the curriculum for the tech class for older adults, and you can assist with opportunities like those. Additionally, if you send a date that works better for you we will consider that time when adding in future opportunities.

For the same opportunity the answer is no. Once you have applied and attended the volunteering session for a type of opportunity you neither have to refill the application nor re-attend the orientation session.

For a different opportunity the answer is yes. All of our opportunities are different and require different skillsets and time commitments and for this reason for a different type of opportunity you would have to re-apply. Note: some opportunities do not require an application at all.

TEENSWHOCARE will automatically log any hours that you register for upon completion of the activity. However, if there was work you did for TEENSWHOCARE without registering for the activity such as building the curriculum or helping with leadership and management, then you also have the option to self log hours. TEENSWHOCARE will approve the self-logged hours within 2-3 business days. You will be able to view your total hours both self-logged and through registration in the "My Account" section located in the menu bar when you are logged in to your account. 

TEENSWHOCARE is a small non-profit and your donation will be used to expand its programs by marketing to a larger group of volunteers, building additional features in its website, providing tools to volunteers, and create new programs. If you felt that TEENSWHOCARE has made a positive impact in your life, please consider donating.

TEENSWHOCARE has a short, simple, application to ensure that each of our volunteers are committed and responsible. Our application is not intended to be stressful or competitive.

For opportunities like teaching a tech class to older adults and coaching a fitness program for people recovering from mental illnesses, we understand that it might be difficult for some to simply go and teach on the spot. So we have created a comprehensive curriculum on PowerPoint and will send these slides to you, (you can also view them when clicking on the specific opportunity) when you choose to engage in these opportunities. Along with the slides we will provide detailed instructions, a short orientation session, and videos so that you know what to expect and are prepared.

No, the orientation is meant to brief you on new opportunities. If, you have questions or concerns, feel free to email me and I will respond within 2-3 business days.

While we would love to have you engage in multiple sessions, you are free to engage as many or as few times as you want. We only request that once you commit to an opportunity you follow through on that responsibility.

If a student volunteers in 2 or more opportunities then TEENSWHOCARE will reach out to the student to optionally submit a picture and quote.

Once you are logged in, go to the "My Account" button in the menu bar. Here you will be able to see all the activities you have signed up for. If it says pending, that means your activity is waiting approval from the admin. If it says accepted that means that the admin has accepted your application and you should engage in the activity on the specific date and time. If it says completed that means that date has passed and you have shown up for your activity. Once the activity is completed the number of minutes volunteered will be added to the total number of hours you have completed. If you want to log your own hours click on "personal volunteer hours" and fill out the ensuing questions. This will then be approved by an admin.

If you fail to complete the activity you have signed up for, TEENSWHOCARE will cancel your hours. You will also receive an email. Failure to complete activities you have signed up for more than once may result in termination of your account. 

Make sure you are signed in. Then go to the "My Account" button on the top menu bar of your device. (Side if you are on your phone). In your account, it will show you every opportunity you are signed up for in one of three stages: pending (this means your application is submitted and is waiting to be approved), approved (your application has been approved), completed (you have done the activity and you can now claim service hours). If, when you go to the "My Account" button you are unable to see the activity you signed up for, this means there was some sort of error and the admin will not have received your registration for the activity. At this point, please try to sign up for the activity again. If it still does not work, shoot an email to We will get back to you within 2-3 business days.